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  • Thot Peace

    People Trying to Find Evil Everywhere in a Gray World

    I just saw a TikTok video claiming emojis are devil sigils. Are you fucking kidding me?

    I just saw a TikTok video claiming emojis are devil sigils. Are you fucking kidding me? Why are people trying so desperately to stomp out evil that does not exist? Are the evils that walk amongst us not enough?

    In my opinion, the evils of the world are akin to the ills of the world, subtle and quiet. Now, it makes some sense that some DingDong is trying to find evil amongst the silent glyphs. It doesn't justify it, though. When I think of evil, it is the conspiritard who proclaims themselves well-versed, yet, maybe they just read a couple articles from the same fool or network of fools – now this is foolish ignorance.

    My social medii feeds have been absolutely off-the-rocker nuts as of late, thanks Zuck. My most recent incursion with these idiots was a video that legitimized the

  • Thot Peace

    People Saying Anything and Everything to Fit Their Narrative Part Une & Deux

    Everyone's Living in Their Own Movie (And the Plot Makes No Damn Sense)

    I am fortunately not one of those people who live in an echo chamber. Unfortunately, that probably does not bode well for this venture. In the modern era, if there is one thing that people want, that people need, that people love – it is their echo chamber. I take in a lot of info in one day, I get more than triple your daily minimum requirement of it. This means I'll take it from anywhere 😉 and I just cannot believe today's twists and contortions taken for these shmoes to get reality to fit their narrative.

    Humanity is literally the worst at one specific thing: we shut off our brain at the superficial level of reality. We grab the first explanation that confirms what we already believe and run with it, consequences (and contradictions) be damned.

    Let's scratch at the gilded turd and reveal the

  • Thot Peace

    On the Domestication of Animals

    It's bad, m'kay?

    Let's dive into an esoteric field full of landmines: the complex relationship between humans and exotic animals. I’m sure for plenty of y’all, it’s not something you think of everyday – or maybe ever. However it is expansive and it is a pervasive issue. I catch myself flicking through my TimTom Feed, thumb tentatively hovering over the like button of Pumba the Caracal or Медьведь Светланы (that's Svetlana's Bear, for you plebeians) videos, fighting the cognitive dissonance between their undeniable cuteness and the ethical nightmare they represent. Let's cut through the Instagram filter: exotic animals aren't meant to be social media props - they're meant to be wild, untamed, and free from our desperate need for likes and shares. That’s the bottomline.

    Take Pumba - that contemptuous growl isn't just noise, it's a primal protest against domesticatio

  • Thot Peace

    Healthy Masculinity...does it exist?

    Does a healthy manosphere influencer exist?

    The Paradox of the Masculine Guide

    When I ask whether healthy masculinity exists, what I really mean to ask is whether or not a healthy masculine influencer exists. I think not, nor do I think it should exist – it defies a core tenant of manhood to forego action and progress in the name of…influence. Men are meant to carve and forge their path, they are not meant to dole out advice to others. Why would you waste your prime years doing this? It is because you are a snake or a weasel, either way, your motives nor your means are not in the right place. With that being said, there is the possibility that someone is at the top of their game in their lane and might feel obliged or inclined to provide their tips and tricks to win the game of life on the side.

    There's something inherently suspect about a man who claims to hav

  • Thot Peace

    Dump the SSRIs, Get with the Lithium Cries

    “Drop the Zero, Get with the Hero”…or something like that.

    Let me be real with you - while 30% of patients generally find an SSRI efficacious, I've witnessed countless people struggle through nothing but disappointing if not flat-out failures of an experience with these medications.

    As the love child of not one but two therapists, it should go without saying that I’m basically a certified LCSW in my own right…right?! Naturally it twas written in the stars that I’d fall in love with the field of Mental Health…and Psychology…and Neurochemistry. In other words, I’m not completely talking out of my ass!! I've devoured countless research papers over the years - we're talking around 100 in the last year alone.

    Y’anyways, why the fuck is the cringe titular what it is? Well you see, I’m a bit of a nutcase myself. - I'm intimately familiar with the dark side of mental heal

  • Thot Peace

    Anything, Anywhere, All At once

    We live in a contentious and highly polarized society today. It’s full of hate and ignorance in spite of us living through the Age of Information. Fortunately, I do not think that the kneejerk anger and conceit will continue in perpetuity. Everyone has and will always want the same thing. To leave a legacy and love their family in peace. Every time you get caught up in vitriol and cultish worship of your “team,” you’re forgetting this. You’re letting “them” win. It’s the 1 platitude of Communism’s many that I wholly prescribe to – the working class is pitted against itself to distract workers from the rich accumulating obscene, inequitable amounts of wealth. The oligarchic, kleptocratic corporatocracy is the proper “them.”

    While we argue, attack and kill one another for whatever new issue enters the news cycle, the rich getting richer is the only constant. I’m not interested

  • Thot Peace

    America the Free

    An Ode to Stripes that We Earned

    What did we get out of BLM Protests? For a lack of a better imagination, the lynching of Aunt Jemmimah and Uncle Ben.

    I can't help but wonder, how do we so easily mistake symbolic victories for structural change? A few police departments were stripped bare of their funding ( because…I guess changing the part of training to beat the black out of your perp was just too hard to revise? Err, to not shoot Philando Castille in front of his wife and small child for reaching for the permit that proved he had a lawful right to carry. Apparently we’re all on PCP because tasers don’t work???) But on the real, the darkest era ended thanks to BLM (I swear, no pun intended) with the fundamental destruction of the Dixie Chicks, left only to be known as “